Biscuit Factory
16 Stoddart St, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1AN
Date & Time
11am-3pm, Sunday
15th September 2019

Michael Bavidge

Gillian Allnutt
Mike Bavidge & Gillian Allnutt were joined by a small group of Mary's friends and family to launch the biscuit tin on its journey from Newcastle's Biscuit Factory. They discussed the theme of Love within Midgley's work. Gillian read a beautiful poem, 'Among Women', in which Mary appears -- the recipient of shortbread flavoured with lemon. The poem goes with the tin on its journey. You can also read it in Gillian's collection Wake.
Mike Bavidge reflects:
Mary’s energy resulted from a determination to rescue us (our intellects, our imaginations, our language) from the fanatics. She was a moralist who re-examined our relationship to animals and challenged the ideas that the environment is here for us to exploit. She talked of the natural world as a ‘rich area of human love’: ‘our attitude to the natural world should be respect and gratitude: personal, familial; children to mother, loving’. Because many of the disputes in which she became engaged are in the contact zone between science and ordinary life, she asked us to be sensitive to metaphors - those that are introduced with malice afore-thought and those that sneak in when no-one is looking.
Her philosophical career began with a rejection of the role that emotion had been given in the dominant moral philosophies of her time. Her recollections of childhood contained in her autobiography, The Owl of Minerva, express the intensity of early attachments and her acceptance of emotional vulnerability. A recurring theme in all her writing is how deeply thoughts and feelings are interwoven.
Our philosophic and poetic concerns with Mary’s emphasis on the personal crystallised into a discussion of the final lines of Gillian’s poem, Early Spring,
‘By absence astounded
By presence astounded’.
Lemon shortbread was provided by Pink Lane Bakery.
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Michael Bavidge
Michael Bavidge was a lecturer in philosophy at the Centre for Lifelong Learning, Newcastle University. He has written on psychopathy and the law, pain and suffering, and animal minds. He recently published a collection of philosophical essays, Philosophy in the Borders. He is the President of the Philosophical Society of England which brings together academic and non-academic philosophers who believe in the importance of exploring philosophical ideas and their relevance to our social and personal lives.
Gillian Allnutt
From 1968-1971 Gillian Allnutt studied Philosophy and English at Cambridge. She then ignored philosophy for nearly five decades but was sufficiently encouraged, through meeting Mary Midgley in 2013 and reading her recent books, to come back to it with renewed interest.
Meanwhile she has published nine collections of poetry, seven of them with Bloodaxe Books. The latest, wake, was published in 2018. How the Bicycle Shone: New & Selected Poems (2007) includes work from Nantucket and the Angel (1997) and Lintel (2001), both shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot Prize.
She has taught creative writing in universities and schools and a variety of other settings. She has held residencies in community projects – working, for example, with Orthodox Jewish women in Gateshead and, with Freedom From Torture in 2009-10, with asylum-seekers in Newcastle and Stockton. She has also worked as a freelance journalist and, from 1983-88, as Poetry Editor of City Limits magazine in London.
She won the Northern Rock Foundation Writer’s Award in 2005 and in 2016 was presented with The Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry.
The Ethical Primate
Midgley, M. (1994)
London: Routledge, Chapters 12 & 13 (p. 128-140)
The Solitary Self
Midgley, M. (2010)
Durham: Acumen, p.61-62